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sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014


  1. \rate 25000
  2. \snaps 40
  3. \cl_maxpackets 125
  4. \com_maxfps 125
  5. \com_hunkMegs 128
  6. \cl_timeNudge -20 (Set this if you experience lag during gameplay)
  7. \cg_drawTeamOverlay 1
  8. \cg_fov 120
  9. \cg_noProjectileTrail 1
  10. \cg_enemyModel "tankjr/pm"
  11. \cg_enemyColors "iiii"
  12. \cg_trueLightning 1
  13. \vid_restart

consola comandos

Console Commands
+attackstart attacking (shooting, punching)
+backstart moving backwards
+button0start firing same as mouse button 1 (fires weapon)
+button1start displaying chat bubble
+button2start using items (same as enter)
+button3start player taunt animation
+button4fixed +button4 not causing footsteps "John Carmack"
+button5used for MODS also used by Team Arena Mission Pack
+button6used for MODS also used by Team Arena Mission Pack
+button7start hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "move forward" (Team Arena Models Only)
+button8start hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "come here" (Team Arena Models Only)
+button9stop hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "come to my left side" (Team Arena Models Only)
+button10start hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "come to my right side" (Team Arena Models Only)
+forwardstart moving forward
+infostart displaying server information (sv_hostname, map, rules, g_gametype, fraglimit)
+leftstart turning left
+lookdownstart looking down
+lookupstart looking up
+mlookstart using mouse movements to control head movement
+movedownstart moving down (crouch, climb down, swim down)
+moveleftstart strafing to the left
+moverightstart strafing to the right
+moveupstart moving up (jump, climb up, swim up)
+rightstart turning right
+scoresstart displaying current scores
+speedspeed toggle bound to shift key by default toggles run/walk
+strafestart changing directional movement into strafing movement
+zoomzoom in to fov specified by the zoomfov variable
addbotadd one bot <botlib> name of the bot library <name> name of the bot <skin> skin of the bot <charfile> file with the bot character <charname> name of the character - "Mr. Elusive" bots can be given a fractional skill when adding them from the console. for instance use "/addbot grunt 4.6 blue" to add a 4.5 skill Grunt to team blue.
arenaload arena and bots "name" from arena.txt (arena <name>)
-attackstop attacking (shooting, punching)
-backstop moving backwards
banClientban a client by slot number used in conjunction with serverstatus you can ban players by their slot number regardless of player name (from server console only) part of the client banning system which depends on a master banned list on the master server at id software
banUserban a client by their player name. once the name is entered the players name, IP, and CD-Key are sent to the master server where the player will be band for a length of time determined by id software. lamers take heed this system will ban you from all servers instantly.
bindassign a key to command(s). (bind <key> "<command>")
bindlistlist all currently bound keys and what command they are bound to
-button0stop firing same as mouse button 1 (fires weapon)
-button1stop displaying chat bubble
-button2stop using items (same as releasing enter)
-button3stop player taunt animation
-button4fixed +button4 not causing footsteps "John Carmack"
-button5used for MODS also used by Team Arena Mission Pack
-button6used for MODS also used by Team Arena Mission Pack
-button7stop hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "move forward" (Team Arena Models Only)
-button8stop hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "come here" (Team Arena Models Only)
-button9start hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "come to my left side" (Team Arena Models Only)
-button10stop hand signal, player model looks like it's motioning to team "come to my right side" (Team Arena Models Only)
callteamvoteallows a team to vote for a captain or team leader
callvotecallvote <command> vote <y/n> Caller automatically votes yes vote has a 30 second timeout each client can only call 3 votes a level vote is displayed on screen with totals "John Carmack" vote commands are: map_restart, nextmap, map , g_gametype and kick .
centerviewquickly move current view to the center of screen
changeVectorschange to vector defined by FIND_NEW_CHANGE_VECTORS as in vector graphics - with vector graphics it is possible to change any element of the picture at any time since each part is stored as an independent object whereas once something in a bitmap has been overwritten it cannot in general be retrieved. could also be for 3D rendering vectors?
cinematicplay the q3a movie RoQ files (cinematic intro.RoQ)
clearclear all text from console
clientinfodisplay name, rate, number of snaps, player model, rail color, and handicap (state number?)
clientkickkick a client by slot number used in conjunction with serverstatus you can kick players by their slot number regardless of player name (from server console only)
cmdsend a command to server remote console
cmdlistlist all available console commands
condumpcondump "x" write the console text to a file where "x" is the name of that file
configstringslist the current config strings in effect
connectconnect to server (connect or (connect
crashcauses Q3TEST.EXE to perform an illegal operation in Windows
cvar_restartreset all variables back to factory defaults (could be handy)
cvarlistlist all available console variables and their values
demoplay demo (demo q3demo001.dm3)
devmapload maps in development mode? (loads map with cheats enabled)
dirdisplay directory if syntax is correct ex. (dir \) or (dir ..\) or (dir ..\baseq3)
disconnectdisconnects you from server (local included)
dumpuserdisplay user info (handicap, model/color, rail color, more�)(dumpuser "<name>")
echoecho a string to the message display to your console only
errorexecute an error routine to protect the server
execexecute a config file or script
fdirallows the user to search his game directory for the presence of file types. a common use for this might be to search out the file names of maps that are often buried inside pak files with different names. syntax: fdir <filter>example: fdir *q3dm?.bsp - In this example, the user is searching all subdirectories (the "*" stands in for the path name) for game maps (the .bsp file extension) that have the letters "q3dm" in their name AND that are followed by a single character (indicated by the "?").one or more metacharacters may be used in the filter.* match any string of zero or more characters? match any single character[abc...] match any of the enclosed characters; a hyphen can be used to specify a range (e.g. a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
followswitch to follow mode (follow "<name>" or follow1 for 1ST place follow2 for 2ND etc�)
-forwardstop moving forward
freezefreeze game and all animation for specified time (freeze 5) (5 seconds)
gfxinforeturns extensive information about video settings
fs_openedListdisplay the file name of open pak files (pk3)
Fs_pureListthis command basically displays the contents of the sv_referencedPaks variable
Fs_referencedListthis variable basically displays the contents of the sv_referencedPakNames variable
givecheat - give player item (give railgun)
globalserverslist public servers on the internet
godcheat - give player invulnerability
heartbeatsend a manual heartbeat to the master servers
hunk_statsreturns value of some registers how many bits high/low and totalmeminfo command replaces hunk_stats and z_stats "John Carmack"
imagelistlist currently open images/textures used by the current map. also displays the amount of texture memory the map is using which is the last number displayed - Jax_Gator
in_restartrestarts all the input drivers, dinput, joystick, etc
-infostop displaying server information (sv_hostname, map, rules, g_gametype, fraglimit)
joy_advancedupdateremoved Graeme says joy support still broken
kickkick the player with the given name off the server. if nobody uses the name "all" and "all" is specified as player name then everyone is kicked. if there are no bots with the name "allbots" and "allbots" is specified as player name then all the bots are kicked. (from server console only�kick "<name>")
killkills your player (suicide but can get you unstuck some times)
killserverstops server from running and broadcasting heartbeat??
-leftstop turning left
levelshotdisplay the image used at the end of a level
loaddeferedload models and skins that have not yet been loaded
loaddeferredload models and skins that have not yet been loaded (corrected spelling)
localserverslist servers on LAN or local sub net only
-lookdownstop looking down
-lookupstop looking up
maploads specified map (map q3dm7)
map_restartresets the game on the same map (also plays fight! sound file and displays FIGHT!)
meminfomeminfo command replaces hunk_stats and z_stats "John Carmack"
messagemodesend a message to everyone
messagemode2send a message to teammates
messagemode3send a message to tourney opponents?
messagemode4send a message to attacker? (does not work)
midiinfodisplay information about MIDI music system
-mlookstop using mouse look
modeldisplay the name of current player model if no parameters are given (see also model variable)
modelistlist of accessible screen resolutions
modellistlist of currently open player models
-movedownstop moving down (crouch, climb down, swim down)
-moveleftstop strafing to the left
-moverightstop strafing to the right
-moveupstop moving up (jump, climb up, swim up)
musicplays specified music file (music music.wav)
net_restartreset all the network related variables like rate etc...
nextframe"nextframe", "prevframe", "nextskin", and "prevskin" commands will change the frame or skin of the testmodel. These are bound to F5, F6, F7, and F8 in q3default.cfg.
nextskin"nextframe", "prevframe", "nextskin", and "prevskin" commands will change the frame or skin of the testmodel. These are bound to F5, F6, F7, and F8 in q3default.cfg.
noclipno clipping objects (nothing will be solid)
notargetBOTS will not fight/see you (good for getting cool screenshots)
pathdisplay all current game paths
pingmanually ping a server (ping "<sv_hostname>" or by the IP address)
playplay a sound file (play sound.wav)
prevframe"nextframe", "prevframe", "nextskin", and "prevskin" commands will change the frame or skin of the testmodel. These are bound to F5, F6, F7, and F8 in q3default.cfg.
prevskin"nextframe", "prevframe", "nextskin", and "prevskin" commands will change the frame or skin of the testmodel. These are bound to F5, F6, F7, and F8 in q3default.cfg.
quitquit arena and quit Quake 3 Arena and return to your OS�Thanx for flying
rconstart a remote console to a server.
reconnectre-initialize the connection to the last server you were connected to
recordrecords a demo (record mydemo.dm3) (g_syncronousClients must be a 1 to start)
resetreset specified variable (reset model) single variable as opposed to cvar_restart�(c:
restartrestart the game on the current map (server only)
-rightstop turning right
s_infodisplay information about sound system (replaced soundinfo command)
s_listdisplay paths and filenames of all sound files as they are played. (replaced soundlist command)
s_stopstop whatever sound that is currently playing from playing. (Replaced stopsound command)
s_disable_a3ddisable support for Aureal 3D sound system
s_enable_a3denable support for Aureal 3D sound system
saysay something to everyone on the server.
say_teamsay something to your team only.
scanserversscan the local area network for servers (only works for same subnet)
-scoresstop displaying current scores
screenshotsave current viewport to a TARGA image file (usually named sequentially shot0001.tga)
screenshotJPEGsave current viewport to a JPEG image file (usually named sequentially shot0001.jpg)
sectorlistlists sectors and number of entities in each on the currently loaded map
serverinfogives information about local server from the console of that server
serverstatusdisplay the current status of the connected server as well as connected users and their slot number. if you specify an IP address it will display the status of a remote server
serverrecordrecords a serverside demo (serverrecord srvrdemo.dm3)
serverstopstops the recording of a serverside demo
setset a variable (set <variable name> <commands;separate by;semi;colon>)
setasets the variable with the archive flag will save the last setting to q3config.cfg and reload that setting every time you run the game. Any changes to variables with an A for the class ID are automatically stored in q3config.cfg - LOKi
setenvsets environment variables
setssets the variable with the serverinfo flag, so it will be transmitted from a server to connecting clients - LOKi
setusets the variable with the userinfo flag, so it will be transmitted from a client to a server while connecting - LOKi
setviewpossets the VR coordinates of the players view screen
shaderlistlist of currently open shaders (light effects).
showipdisplay your current TCP/IP address
sizedownmakes viewport one size smaller
sizeupmakes viewport one size larger
skinlistlist of currently open skins
snd_restartreinitialize sound
soundinfoinformation about sound system
soundlistlist of currently open sound files
spdevmapload a devmap with bots spawned in. (cheats enabled)
-speedspeed toggle bound to shift key by default toggles run/walk
spmapload a map with bots spawned in. (cheats disabled)
startOrbitstart the 3rd person display of your player model and orbit in a circle around it
statusstatus of currently connected server
stoprecordstop recording a demo
stopdemostop recording demo
stopsoundstop whatever sound that is currently playing from playing.
-strafestop changing directional movement into strafing movement
systeminforeturns values for: g_syncronousclients, sv_serverid, and timescale.
tcmddisplay the current target command or displays some type of code address
teamset player status. p=player s=spectator red, blue, or free (team free joins smallest/loosing team)also in tourney play team follow1 2 etc.(follow players by lead position) team scoreboard your player becomes a scoreboard
teamtaskdisplay the current task you have been assigned 1 - offense 2 - defense 3 - point/patroll 4 - following 5 - retrieving
6 - escort(gaurding flag carrier) 7 - camping
teamvoteallows user to cast a vote on a called team vote yes or no callteamvote <playername> vote <y/n> Caller automatically votes yes vote has a 30 second timeout each client can only call 3 votes a level vote is displayed on screen with totals
tellsay something to an individual on the server tell <playername> "go get the flag"
tell_attackerpossibly to pass a complement to your last known attacker..he he more like insult
tell_targetpossibly to pass a complement back�ha ha more like "Die Llama"
testfogremoved may have been used for development of fog emulation
testgunweapon model dissapears cg_gun 1 does not bring it back. will cause the model to follow the player around and suppress the real view weapon model. The default frame 0 of most guns is completely off screen, so you will probably have to cycle a couple frames to see it. "nextframe", "prevframe", "nextskin", and "prevskin" commands will change the frame or skin of the testmodel. These are bound to F5, F6, F7, and F8 in q3default.cfg.
testmodeltestmodel <path\model.md3> will create a fake entity 100 units in front of the current view position, directly facing the viewer. It will remain immobile, so you can move around it to view it from different angles "nextframe", "prevframe", "nextskin", and "prevskin" commands will change the frame or skin of the testmodel. These are bound to F5, F6, F7, and F8 in q3default.cfg. (useful tool for model and skin artists)
testshadercovers all brushes and entities with the selected texture, and lights the map using the effect of that texture as well. entering testshader without a parameter will restore all textures set by the map. -hacker (removed possibly because cheat potential)
toggletoggle "X", where X is the variable you give, to a 1 if it is 0 and 0 if it is 1 (toggle cg_autoswitch) "The 'toggle' command can toggle write protected cvars." Graeme
toggleconsoleusually bound to ~ the tilde key brings the console up and down
touchFilemake the file a zero byte file (not a good idea I did not test this one)
unbindunbinds a key
unbindallunbinds all keys (be careful)
userinfolist user information like (possibly replaced by clientinfo)
vid_restartreinitialize video
viewposreturns player coordinates on the map in x y z form
vminfodisplay information about virtual machine interpreter on the local machine
vmprofilepossibly more of the virtual machine John's talking about, profile�hmm?
vmtestprobably a developer test which returns levels of success, returns >display "C: test 1234"
vosayuse a predefined voice message and play everyone
vosay_teamuse a predefined voice message and play to your team
voteallows user to cast a vote on a called vote usually bound to F1 (yes) and F2 (no)...(c:
callvote <command> vote <y/n> Caller automatically votes yes vote has a 30 second timeout each client can only call 3 votes a level vote is displayed on screen with totals "John Carmack"
votelluse a predefined voice message and play to a <playername> you specify
vsayuse a predefined voice message and play to everyone
vsay_teamuse a predefined voice message and play to your team
vstridentifies the attached command as a variable sting (bind a vstr "myvariable")
vtauntplay a random voice taunt wav file to everyone
vtellpossibly to play a random voice taunt to a <playername> you specify
vtell_attackerpossibly to play a random voice taunt to your last known attacker
vtell_targetpossibly to play a random voice taunt at player you last hit
waitstop execution and wait one game tick (no alias support will be added in Q3A per J.C.)
weapnextswitch to the next higher numbered weapon
weaponselect a weapon by it's number (weapon "5")
weapprevswitch to the next lower numbered weapon
writeconfigsaves current configuration to a cfg file�this is cool! (c:
z_statsdisplay the memory statistics for the Z-buffer in the game "lists all blocks >= given size" John Carmack meminfo command replaces hunk_stats and z_stats "John Carmack"
-zoomzoom out to fov specified by the fov variable
Red FontRemoved or replaced in current version
Green FontAdded by current version
 **note any +commands do not activate from the console until the console is toggled**
 **note any commands since version 1.09 must be preceded by a slash character**
class ID
activeaction ""variable holds a command to be executed upon connecting to a server 
arch "win98"architecture/operating system 
bot_aasoptimize "0"optimize the .aas file when one is written - MrElusive 
bot_challenge "0"make the bot a bit more challenging - MrElusive 
bot_debug "0"toggle debugging tool for bot code 
bot_developer "0"toggle developer mode for bots 
bot_enable "0"enable and disable adding of bots to the map/game
bot_fastchat "0"toggle between frequent and less frequent bot chat strings 1 = more often 
bot_forceclustering "0"force recalculating the aas clusters - MrElusive 
bot_forcereachability "0"force recalculating the aas reachabilities - MrElusive 
bot_forcewrite "0"force writing out a new .aas file - MrElusive 
bot_grapple "0"toggle determines weather the bots will use the grappling hook 
bot_groundonly "1"this is a debug cvar to show areas which does not work in the retail version special thanks to - MrElusive 
bot_interbreedbots "10"number of bots used for goal fuzzy logic interbreeding - MrElusive
bot_interbreedchar ""bot character to be used with goal fuzzy logic interbreeding - MrElusive
bot_interbreedcycle "20"number of matches between interbreeding - MrElusive
bot_interbreedwrite ""file to write interbreeded goal fuzzy logic to - MrElusive
bot_maxdebugpolys "128"max number of polygons available for visualizing things when debugging
bot_memorydump "0"possibly displays memory allocation/use for bots used for debugging?
bot_minplayers "0"this is used to ensure a minimum numbers of players are playing on a server bots are added/removed to get the specified number of players in the game special thanks to - MrElusiveS
bot_nochat "0"toggle determines weather bots will chat or not 0 = bots will chat 
bot_pause "0"debug command to pause the bots - MrElusive
bot_predictobstacles "1"possibly tells bot's to predict an obstacle and turn before running into it
bot_reachability "0"this is a debug cvar which does not work in the retail version - MrElusive 
bot_reloadcharacters "0"this cvar if set to 1 disabled bot character file caching. used when creating bot characters while keeping Q3A running. kicking and re-adding a bot will reload the bot character files - MrElusive 
bot_report "0"debug command to have the bots report what they are doing in CTF MrElusive
bot_rocketjump "1"toggle determines weather the bots will use the rocket jump technique 
bot_saveroutingcache "0"possibly allows the BOT AI to save routes for custom maps in memory.
bot_testclusters "0"possibly a debug variable for testing BOT's on new terrain maps
bot_testichat "0"used to test the initial bot chats. set this to 1 and add a bot. the bot will spit out all initial chats. - MrElusive 
bot_testrchat "0"used to test the reply chats. set this to 1 and add one bot. the bot will always reply and dump all possible replies - MrElusive 
bot_testsolid "0"test for "solid areas" in the .aas file (read the q3r manual) - MrElusive
bot_thinktime "100"this is the time in milliseconds between two AI frames. - MrElusiveset the amount of time a bot thinks about a move before making it AI...(c: 
bot_usehook "0"toggle determines weather the bots will use the grappling hook 
bot_visualizejumppads "0"visualizes the default arch of a jumppad (read the q3r manual) - MrElusive
capturelimit "8"set # of times a team must grab the others flag before the win is declared
cg_animspeed "1"toggle linear interpolation between successive frames in a player animation. 0 = no interpolation 1 = it does interpolate - Coriolis + WhatEver
cg_autoswitch "1"auto-switch weapons (on pick-up)
cg_bobpitch "0.002"set amount player view bobs forward/back while moving
cg_bobroll "0.002"set amount player view rolls side to side while moving
cg_bobup "0.005"set amount player view bobs up/down while moving
cg_brassTime "1250"set amount of time a shell casing gets displayed if set to 0 the game engine will skip all shell eject code
cg_cameraOrbit "0"change the step or increment units of the orbit rotation from one angle how much of a step to next angle
cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50"change the rate at wich the camara moves to the next orbit position the higher the number the slower 
cg_centertime "3"set display time for center screen messages (0 off)
cg_crosshairHealth "1"show health by the cross hairs (only works with #10 now?) - LOKiA
cg_crosshairSize "24"crosshair size...incase you have crosshair envy (c:A
cg_crosshairX "0"set X coordinates of the crosshair if cg_crosshairSize not 0A
cg_crosshairY "0"set Y coordinates of the crosshair if cg_crosshairSize not 0A
cg_debuganim "0"toggle model animation debug mode
cg_debugevents "0"toggle event debug mode
cg_debugposition "0"toggle player position debug mode
cg_deferPlayers "1"the loading of player models will not take place until the next map, or when you die, or toggle the scoreboard (tab) this prevents the "hitch" effect when a player using a new model or skin joins the game after you. if you join the game after them the models and skins will download as you join?
cg_demoLook "0"possibly to change the look of a recorded demo? 
cg_draw2D "1"toggle the drawing of 2D items or text on the status display
cg_draw3dIcons "1"toggle the drawing of 3D icons on the HUD off and on draw 2D icon for ammo if cg_draw3dicons 0 "John Carmack"
cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"toggle low-ammo warning display
cg_drawAttacker "1"toggle the display of last know assailant
cg_drawCrosshair "1"select crosshair (change to zero if you have really good aim ha! ha!) 10 crosshairs to select from (cg_drawCrosshair 1 - 10) "John Carmack"
cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"toggle displaying of the name of the player you're aiming at
cg_drawFPS "0"toggle Frames Per Second display (when set to one "0" is default)
cg_drawFriend "1"toggle the display of triangle shaped icon over the heads of your team mates
cg_drawGun "1"toggle determines if the weapon you're holding is visible or not
cg_drawIcons "1"toggle the drawing of any icons on the HUD and scoreboard
cg_drawRewards "1"toggle display of award icons above the "you fragged..." message - LOKi
cg_drawKiller "1"toggle display of player's name and picture that fragged you last
cg_drawSnapshot "0"toggle the display of snapshots counter (# of snaps since game start)
cg_drawStatus "1"draw the HUD. (toggle weather or not health and score are displayed)
cg_drawTeamOverlay "0"set the drawing location of the team status overlay 1=top right 2=bottom right 3=bottom left of the screen it shows team player names, location, ammo (and what type weapon), and frag count for each player - LOKi 
cg_drawTimer "1"show timer on HUD. shows time since map start counts up - LOKi
cg_errordecay "100"helps to smooth animation during player prediction while experiencing packet loss or snapshot errors. "detect prediction errors and allow them to be decayed off over several frames to ease the jerk." from the source code comments cg_predict.c 
cg_extrapolate "1"toggle blending of animations from one to the next (like a segue) - Andre 
cg_footsteps "1"toggle the footstep sounds of all players (cheat protected) - LOKi
cg_forceModel "0"force model selection, also forces player sounds "John Carmack"
cg_fov "90"field of view/vision "90" is default higher numbers give peripheral vision.
cg_gibs "1"toggle the display of animated gibs (explosions flying body parts!)
cg_gun "1"toggle determines if the weapon your holding is visible or not
cg_gunX "0"set X coordinates of viewable weapon if cg_drawGun is set to 1
cg_gunY "0"set Y coordinates of viewable weapon if cg_drawGun is set to 1
cg_gunZ "0"set Z coordinates of viewable weapon if cg_drawGun is set to 1 moves the gun model forward or backward in relation to the player models hold
cg_ignore "0"used for debugging possibly like the notarget command 
cg_lagometer "1"toggle the display of Lag-O-Meter on the HUD 1=netgraph 0=frag counter which changes color to reflect what place your in as well Section 6 of the Q3Test_Instructions_Readme.txt has a more detailed description of this tool. Simply put the top graph (blue/yellow): A vertical line is painted for every rendered frame. if the line is blue and going down from the baseline that indicates a steady transition of frames from one to the next. A yellow line going up from the baseline means the frames are not being fully rendered in time. The bottom graph (green/yellow/red): A vertical line is painted for every received snapshot. If the line is green it indicates properly received snapshots, with the height of the bar proportional to the ping. If the bar is yellow it indicates that the snapshot was held back because it hit the rate limit. If the line is red it means the snapshot was dropped by the network...Lots of thanx goes out to hacker, Erik, TeoH, and Wilka
cg_markoffset "1"set marks (decals) offset. some video cards display the marks with the wrong offset, so you will be able to see the square decal that encapsulates the effect because the offset rises above the wall surface. change the offset the square goes away 
cg_marks "1"toggle the marks the projectiles leave on the wall (bullet holes, etc)
cg_noplayeranims "0"toggle player model animations. (the animation frame displayed when this is disabled is rather odd, though.)
cg_nopredict "0"toggle client-side player prediction. (disabling causes the client to wait for updates from the server before updating the player location.) . 
cg_noProjectileTrail "0"toggle the display of smoke trail effect behind rockets - Jax_Gator Dekard
cg_noTaunt "0"possibly turn off the ability to hear voice taunts
cg_noVoiceChats "0"possibly turn off the ability to hear voice chats
cg_noVoiceText "0"possibly turn off the display of the voice chat text copied to the console
cg_oldPlasma "1"toggle the use of old or new particle style plasma gun effect - 20 20
cg_oldRail "0"toggle the use of old or new spiral style rail trail effect - 20 20
cg_oldRocket "1"toggle the use of old or new style rocket trail effect - 20 20
cg_predictItems "1"toggle client-side item prediction. 0 option to not do local prediction of item pickup - John Carmack
cg_railTrailTime "400"set how long the railgun's trails last
cg_runpitch "0.002"set amount player view bobs up and down while running
cg_runroll "0.005"set amount player view rolls side to side while running (in 3rd person only?)
cg_scorePlums "1"toggle the display of the floating scoring number balloons when a player scores a point or points (including negative points) in any game type, the awarded point value floats up from the target like a balloon and slowly fades out.
cg_shadows "0"set shadow detail level (0 = OFF, 1 = basic discs, 2 = stencil buffered 3 = simple stencil buffered(if r_stencilebits is not=0)) - Andre Lucas
cg_showcrosshair "1"appeared in version 1.06 then removed in 1.07 now back in 1.08 then removed again in 1.09�hmm (replaced with multi-crosshairs) 
cg_showmiss "0"toggle the display of missed packets or predictions on the HUD 
cg_simpleItems "0"toggle the use of 2D sprite objects in place of the 3D animated objects makes some objects more "simple" (faster to render) - hacker
cg_smoothClients "0"when g_smoothClients is enabled on the server and you enable cg_smoothClients then players in your view will be predicted and will appear more smooth even if they are on a bad network connection. however small prediction errors might appear.
cg_stats "0"toggles display of client frames in sequence missed frames are not shown 
cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"the amount of stereo separation (for 3D glasses!) You ever take off your glasses at a 3D movie, remember how the images were separated into 3 colors? that's what this does
cg_swingSpeed "0.3"set speed player model rotates to match position (1 is no delay, 0 will never turn)
cg_teamChatHeight "8"set number of lines or strings of text that remain on screen in team play chat mode (messagemode2) values are 1 - 8 - LOKi
cg_teamChatsOnly "0"when this is set to a one only chats from team mates will be displayed
cg_teamChatTime "3000"set how long messages from teammates are displayed on the screen
cg_temp "0"  
cg_testentities "0"  
cg_thirdPerson "0"toggle the use of and third person view 
cg_thirdPersonAngle "0"change the angle of perspective you view your player (180 changes view to the front of the model)
cg_thirdPersonRange "40"change the distance you view your player from when in 3rd person view 
cg_timescaleFadeEnd "1" 
cg_timescaleFadeSpeed "0" 
cg_tracerchance "0.4"set frequency of tracer bullets (1 is all tracers)
cg_tracerlength "100"set length of tracer bullets
cg_tracerwidth "1"set width of tracer bullets
cg_trueLightning "0"settings of the new shaft style. from the OSP readme...specifies the "lag" imposed on the rendering of the lightning gun shaft. a value of 0.0 is just like the baseq3 version "feel" of the LG. a value of 1.0 imposes no lag at all (shaft is always rendered on the crosshairs). a value of 0.5 is a good mix of the two to reduce the wet-noodle effect, while still maintaining consistency of where the server actually sees the shaft. I would like to thank all the readers who submitted good descriptions of this new variable to me, there were a ton, but the ones who had it correct are listed here.
cg_viewsize "100"changes view port size 30 - 100 (you probably wouldn't want less than 100)A
cg_zoomfov "22.5"what the zoomed in field of view will be any thing more than 30 would not be sniper friendlyA
cg_waveamplitude "1"  
cg_wavefrequency1 "0.4"  
cheats "0"enable cheating commands (give all) (serverside only)
cl_allowDownload "1"toggle automatic downloading of maps, models, sounds, and textures
cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"set the speed that the direction keys (not mouse) change the view angle 
cl_anonymous "0"possibly to toggle anonymous connection to a server
cl_avidemo "0"toggle recording of a slideshow of screenshots records into the snapshot folder and appears to have overwritten some snapshots I had in there�)c: 
cl_cdkey "123456789"variable to hold the CD key number to prevent bootleg/warez
cl_currentServerAddressvariable holds the IP address of the currently connected server 
cl_conXOffset "0"offset the console message display 0 - top left 999 - extreme top right (off the page) 
cl_debugMove "0"used for debugging cl_debugmove [1/2] from John Carmack's plan file 
cl_downloadName ""variable holds filename of file currently downloading 
cl_forceavidemo "0"  
cl_freelook "1"toggle the use of freelook with the mouse (your ability to look up and down)
cl_freezeDemo "0"stops a demo play back and freeze on one frame 
cl_maxpackets "30"set the transmission packet size or how many packets are sent to client
cl_maxPing "800"controls which servers are displayed in the in-game server browser - ata
cl_motd "1"toggle the display of "Message of the day" When Quake 3 Arena starts a map up, it sends the GL_RENDERER string to the Message Of The Day server at id. This responds back with a message of the day to the client. If you wish to switch this option off, set CL_MOTD to 0. 
cl_motdString ""possibly a MOTD from id's master server it is a read only variable 
cl_mouseAccel "0"toggle the use of mouse acceleration the mouse speeds up or becomes more sensitive as it continues in one direction
cl_nodelta "0"disable delta compression (slows net performance, only use if net errors happen otherwise not recommended) 
cl_noprint "0"printout messages to your screen or to the console (tired of all the chatter?) 
cl_packetdup "1"default was 2 but changed to 1 since version 1.09
cl_paused "0"variable holds the status of the paused flag on the client side
cl_pitchspeed "140"set the pitch rate when +lookup and/or +lookdown are active
cl_run "1"always without it I dare you! (c:
cl_running "1"variable which shows weather or not a client game is running or weather we are in server/client mode (read only)
cl_serverStatusResendTime "750"possibly allows the admin to change the rate of the heartbeats to the master server(s)  
cl_showmouserate "0"show the mouse rate of mouse samples per frame (USB 1/per frame) 
cl_shownet "0"display network quality info 
cl_showSend "0"network debugging tool "John Carmack" 
cl_showTimeDelta "0"display time delta between server updates 
cl_timeNudge "0"effectively adds local lag to try to make sure you interpolate instead of extrapolate (try 100 for a really laggy server) 
cl_timeout "125"seconds to wait before you are removed from the server when you lag out. 
cl_updateInfoString """challenge\14985\motd\This is used by id when new versions come out"
cl_yawspeed "140"set the yaw rate when +left and/or +right are active
cm_curveClipHack "0"must have been a cheat!!! removed now 
cm_noAreas "0"toggle the ability of the player bounding box to clip through areas?
cm_noCurves "0"toggle the ability of the player bounding box to clip through curved surfaces
cm_playerCurveClip "1"toggles the ability of the player bounding box to respect curved surfaces.
color "1"rail trail color blue/green/cyan/red/magenta/yellow/white respectively 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
color1 "2"spiral rail trail color spiral core - special thanks to schiz Jax_Gator Dekard blue/green/cyan/red/magenta/yellow/white respectively 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
color2 "5"spiral rail trail color spiral ring - special thanks to schiz Jax_Gator Dekard blue/green/cyan/red/magenta/yellow/white respectively 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
com_blood "1"toggle the blood mist effect in the gib animations. 0 option for no gibs and no blood on hits "John Carmack"
com_buildScript "0"possibly used for the loading and caching of game data like a list of things to be loaded and caches the data for quicker reloading 
com_cameraMode "0"seems to toggle the view of your player model off and on when in 3D camera view 
com_dropsim "0"for testing simulates packet loss during communication drops
com_hunkMegs "20"set the amount of memory you want quake3.exe to reserve for game play dedicated server memory optimizations. Tips: com_hunkMegs 4 sv_maxclients 3 bot_enable 0 "John Carmack"
com_introplayed "1"toggle displaying of intro cinematic once it has been seen this variable keeps it from playing each time, to see it again set this to zero
com_maxfps "100"set max frames per second you receive from server (maxfps was removed)
com_showtrace "0"toggle display of packet traces. 0=disables,1=toggles.
com_soundMegs "8"com_soundmegs and com_zonemegs can be adjusted to provide better performance on systems with more than 64mb of memory. the default configuration is set to allow the game to run on a 64 MB system. on a 128 MB system we would run with the following:com_hunkMegs - 64 com_soundMegs - 16 com_zoneMegs - 24
com_speeds "0"toggle display of frame counter, all, sv, cl, gm, rf, and bk whatever they are 
com_zoneMegs "16"com_soundmegs and com_zonemegs can be adjusted to provide better performance on systems with more than 64mb of memory. the default configuration is set to allow the game to run on a 64 MB system. on a 128 MB system we would run with the following:com_hunkMegs - 64 com_soundMegs - 16 com_zoneMegs - 24
con_notifytime "3"defines how long messages (from players or the system) are on the screen 
conback ""select console background file "gfx/2d/conback.tga" 
crosshairhealth "1"show health by the cross hairs
crosshairsize "24"crosshair size...incase you have crosshair envy (c:
d_bot ""all d_ commands have been removed to disable bots most likely 
d_botai "0"all d_ commands have been removed to disable bots most likely 
d_botaiming "0"all d_ commands have been removed to disable bots most likely 
d_botfreeze "0"all d_ commands have been removed to disable bots most likely 
d_break "0"all d_ commands have been removed to disable bots most likely 
d_noroam "0"all d_ commands have been removed to disable bots most likely 
debuggraph "0" 
dedicated "0"set console to server only 0 is a listen, 1 is lan, and 2 is internet (command line cvar causes engine not to load 3D game just a server console C:\Q3TEST\quake3.exe +set dedicated 2) - Dekard
developer "0"enable developer mode (more verbose messages) 
dmflags "0"
set deathmatch flags originally I posted the values of Quake 2 dmflags but have since tested them and most of them don't work
disable_<item name>this command allows the administrator of a server to disable a particular item from the map. as an example: "/set disable_weapon_bfg 1" will make it so that the bfg does not show up. changing the value back to 0 and executing a /map_restart command will bring the disabled item back. - K2
disable.cfgenable.cfgconfigs by zYmO
fixedtime "0"toggle the rendering of every frame the game will wait until each frame is completely rendered before sending the next frame
fov "90"field of view/vision "90" is default higher numbers give peripheral vision.
fraglimit "20"set fraglimit on a server (0 is no limit)
freelook "1"steer aim and control head movement with the mouse�a must (c:
fs_basegame ""allows people to base mods upon mods syntax to follow
fs_basepath ""set base path root C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena for files to be downloaded from this path may change for TC's and MOD's
fs_cdpath ""possibly a variable to use when the full CD was copied to the HDD
fs_copyfiles "0"toggle if files can be copied from servers or if client will download
fs_debug "0"possibly enables file server debug mode for download/uploads or something 
fs_game ""set gamedir set the game folder/dir default is baseq3 (other for MODS)
fs_homepathpossibly for TC's and MODS the default is the path to quake3.exe
fs_openedList ""variable holds a list of all the pk3 files the client found
fs_referencedList ""variable holds a list of all the pk3 files the client loaded data from
fs_restrict ""demoversion if set to 1 restricts game to 4 arenas like the Q3A demo
g_aimTest "0"removed possibly was a cheat (bot like aiming) 
g_allowVote "1"toggle the use of voting on a server 
g_arenaName "0"possibly toggles the display of the name of the current arena? 
g_arenaRank ""possibly a variable to hold the value for your rank in the current series
g_arenaScores ""possibly a variable to hold the value of previous arena series scores
g_arenasFile ""sets the file name to use for map rotation and bot names and game type for each arena default scripts/arenas.txt within the PK3 file
g_banIPs ""ban specified TCP/IP address from connecting to your server
g_blueTeam ""set the icon for the blue team (example Pagans)
g_botsFile ""sets the file name to use for setting up the bots configuration and characters for each bot default scripts/bots.txt within the PK3 file
g_debugAlloc "0"possibly debugging tool for memory allocation? 
g_debugDamage "0"debugging tool for damage effects? 
g_debugMove "0"debugging tool for brush/entity movements? 
g_doWarmup "0"toggle the use of a warmup period before a match game
g_enableBreath "0"enable breath in cold maps you can see the players breath - Dekard 
g_enableDust "0"enable dust to be kicked up from feet in areas that have that map entity - Dekard 
g_filterBan "1"toggle the banning of players that match a certain criteria/filter?
g_forcerespawn "10"set the respawn time in seconds, 0 = don't force respawn 
g_friendlyFire "0"toggle damage caused by friendly fire 1 = can kill or injure teammate
g_gametype "0"
0 - Free For All1 - Tournament2 - Single Player
3 - Team Deathmatch4 - Capture the Flag
to start a dedicated server in tournament mode, you would use: quake3.exe +set dedicated 2 +set sv_zone tournaments +set g_gametype 1 +map q3tourney2, "Graeme Devine" thanks also to TheKiller
5 - One Flag CTF6 - Overload7 - Harvester (Team Arena only)
g_gravity "800"set the gravity level. (this is normally set by a property of the map loaded) 
g_inactivity "0"set the amount of time a player can remain inactive before kicked 
g_knockback "1000"the knockback from a weapon, higher number = greater knockback. 
g_listEntity "0"toggles the display of map entities shows them by number  
g_log "1"toggles logging of game data or statistics John Carmack made g_log a filename instead of a 0/1 in this version
g_logSync "0"toggle the logging to append to the existing file and not overwrite
g_maxGameClients "0"set maximum # of players who may join the game the remainder of clients are forced to spectate - Holesinswiss
g_motd ""set message of the day to "X" (see "cl_motd" to display it) 
g_needpass "0"variable alerts the client that a password is needed to join your server
g_password ""set the serverside password players use to get on the server
g_podiumDist "80"sets the draw distance of the podium object player models stand on after a single player bot match - LOKi 
g_podiumDrop "70"sets the height of the podium object player models stand on after a single player bot match - LOKi 
g_quadfactor "3"allows the admin to set the amount of damage the quad damage will do. 
g_rankings "0" 
g_redTeam ""set the team icon for the red team (example Stroggs)
g_restarted "0"read only variable that is toggled when the game has been restarted in match mode this sets an event trap for if warmup is needed
g_singlePlayer "0"possibly to allow 3rd party's to make TC's for single player style games?
g_smoothClients "1"enable players to use the smooth clients option on the server (cg_smoothClients) 
g_spAwards ""variable holds the names of the award icons that have been earned in the tier levels in single player mode
g_speed "320"how fast you move in Q3Test. The greater the number, the greater the velocity 
g_spScores1 ""holds your scores on skill level 1 in single player games  - Dr Qube
g_spScores2 ""holds your scores on skill level 2 in single player games  - Dr Qube
g_spScores3 ""holds your scores on skill level 3 in single player games  - Dr Qube
g_spScores4 ""holds your scores on skill level 4 in single player games  - Dr Qube
g_spScores5 ""holds your scores on skill level 5 in single player games  - Dr Qube
g_spSkill "2"holds your current skill level for single player 1 = I can win 2 = bring it on
3 = hurt me plenty 4 = hardcore and 5 = nightmare
g_spVideos ""variable holds the names of the cinematic videos that are unlocked at the end of each tier completion
g_syncronousClients "0"toggle synching of all client movements (1 required to record server demo) show "snc" on lagometer "John Carmack"

g_teamAutoJoin "0"toggle the automatic joining of the smallest or loosing team
g_teamForceBalance "0"toggle the forcing of teams to be as even as possible on a server
g_warmup ""the warmup time for tournament play is set with g_warmup. A tournament game is implicitly a one on one match, and further players are automatically entered as spectators (note, when the game starts, all clients, including the spectators respawn). You can follow the players by using Steam follow1T, Steam follow2T, and you can be a scoreboard by using Steam scoreboardT., "Graeme Devine"
g_weaponrespawn "5"set time before a picked up weapon will respawn again 0 = weapons stay 
g_weaponTeamRespawn "30"  
gamedate ""Aug 20 2001
gamename "baseq3"display the game name for TC's basedir would be other than baseq3
GL_EXT_cull_vertex GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters  
GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_WIN_swap_hint  
gl_extensions "GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array 
GL_KTX_buffer_region "  
gl_pixelformat ""color(16) depth(16) stencil(8) sets up how many bits for each pixel item 8, 16, or 32 bit?
gl_renderer ""variable holds the GL Renderer driver information "RIVA 128/RIVA 128 ZX (PCI)"
gl_vendor ""variable holds the brand of your chipmaker "NVIDIA Corporation"
gl_version ""variable holds the driver version number "1.1.0"
graphheight "32"set height, in pixels?, for graph displays
graphscale "1"set scale multiplier for graph displays
graphshift "0"set offset for graph displays
gun_frame "0"turns off weapon animation and displays specified frame in the weapons animation sequence 0=animate 1 and up step through frames...(c: 
gun_x "0"set the x location of the gun model (one is up and down one is side to side) 
gun_y "0"set the y location of the gun model (one is up and down one is side to side) 
gun_z "0"set the z location of the gun model (possibly angle?) 
handicap "100"set player handicap (max health), valid values 1 - 99
headmodel ""changes only the head of the model to another model Example: If you are playing as the Grunt model, /headmodel "sarge" will stick Sarge's head on Grunt's body selecting a new model will load both the model and its matching head
host_speeds "0"toggle the display of timing information sv=server cl=client gm=gametime rf=render time all=total time 
in_debugjoystick "0"possibly to set the debug level of direct input 
in_joyBallScale "0.02"possibly sets the scale of a joyball rotation to player model rotation?
in_joyBall "0"possibly to allow support for trackball style joy sticks and orb's
in_joystick "0"toggle the initialization of the joystick  (command line)
in_midi "0"toggle the use of a midi port as an input device r-d-x
in_midichannel "1"toggle the use of a midi channel as an input device r-d-x
in_mididevice "0"toggle the use of a midi device as an input device r-d-x
in_midiport "1"toggle the use of a midi port as an input device r-d-x
in_mouse "1"toggle initialization of the mouse as an input device (command line)
journal "0"possibly logs console events but is read only and can not be toggled
joy_advanced "0"applies game controller axis mapping settings < maddog 
joy_advaxisr "0"bind an action to the joystick r axis 
joy_advaxisu "0"bind an action to the joystick u axis 
joy_advaxisv "0"bind an action to the joystick v axis 
joy_advaxisx "0"bind an action to the joystick x axis 
joy_advaxisy "0"bind an action to the joystick y axis 
joy_advaxisz "0"bind an action to the joystick z axis 
joy_forwardsensitivity "-1"set forward/back sensitivity (negative is inverted) 
joy_forwardthreshold "0.15"set forward/back dead zone 
joy_name "joystick"set joystick name 
joy_pitchsensitivity "1"set pitch sensitivity (negative is inverted) 
joy_pitchthreshold "0.15"set pitch dead zone 
joy_sidesensitivity "-1"set side sensitivity (negative is inverted) 
joy_sidethreshold "0.15"set side dead zone 
joy_threshold "0.15"possibly an overall threshold setting all other joy variables removed in 1.08
joy_upsensitivity "-1"set up/down sensitivity (negative is inverted) 
joy_upthreshold "0.15"set up/down dead zone 
joy_yawsensitivity "-1"set yaw sensitivity (negative is inverted) 
joy_yawthreshold "0.15"set yaw dead zone 
logfile "0"enable console logging 0=no log 1=buffered 2=continuous 3=append so as not to overwrite old logs 
m_filter "1"toggle use of mouse "smoothing"
m_forward "0.25"set the back and forth movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves
m_pitch "0.022"set the up and down movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves
m_side "0.25"set the strafe movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves
m_yaw "0.022"set the speed at which the player's screen moves left and right while using the mouse
mapname ""display the name of the current map being used
memorydump "0"possibly used for debugging memory allocation/use? 
maxfps "0"set the max frames per second the server should send you 
model "visor/blue"set the model used to represent your player Hey John a 3D Keen model would be nice�(c:
name "Commander Keen"pick your own be original (no Player)
net_ip "localhost"variable holds the IP of the local machine (or the "hosts" name) passed from the OS environment
net_noipx "0"toggle the use of IPX/SPX network protocol (command line only)
net_noudp "0"toggle the use of TCP/IP network protocol (command line only)
net_port "27960"set port number server will use if you want to run more than one instance of Q3A server on the same machine
net_qport "16392"set internal network port. this allows more than one person to play from behind a NAT router by using only one IP address - Questy
net_socksEnabled "0"toggle the use of network socks 5 protocol enabling firewall access (only settable at init time from the OS command line) - Graeme DevineA L
net_socksPassword ""variable holds password for socks firewall access supports no authentication and username/password authentication method (RFC-1929); it does NOT support GSS-API method (RFC-1961) authentication (only settable at init time from the OS command line) - Graeme DevineA L
net_socksPort "1080"set proxy and/or firewall port default is 1080 (only settable at init time from the OS command line) - Graeme DevineA L
net_socksServer ""set the address (name or IP number) of the SOCKS server (firewall machine), NOT a Q3ATEST server. (only settable at init time from the OS command line) - Graeme DevineA L
net_socksUsername ""variable holds username for socks firewall supports no authentication and username/password authentication method (RFC-1929); it does NOT support GSS-API method (RFC-1961) authentication (only settable at init time from the OS command line) - Graeme DevineA L
nextmap ""variable holds the name of the next map in the server rotation myserver.cfg 
nohealth "0"toggle the use of health items on next map or do it now from the command line
password ""set password for entering a password protected server
port "27960"set port number server will use if you want to run more than one instance of Q3A server on the same machine 
paused "0"possible to allow the game to pause while in single player mode 
pmove_fixed "0"typically the player physics advances in small time steps. when this option is enabled all players will use fixed frequency player physics, the time between two advances of the phsysics will be the same for all players. the actual time between two advances of the player physics can be set with the pmove_msec variable. enabling this option will make the player physics the same for all players independent from their framerate. should do what you want for prediction and should even out the machine dependent rates. - Robert Duffy 
pmove_msec "8"set the time in milliseconds between two advances of the player physics. should do what you want for prediction and should even out the machine dependent rates. - Robert Duffy 
protocol "66"display network protocol version. Useful for backward compatibility with servers with otherwise incompatible versions < maddog read only
qport "59337"set internal network port. this allows more than one person to play from behind a NAT router by using only one IP address - Questy
r_allowExtensions "1"use all of the OpenGL extensions your card is capable of
r_allowSoftwareGL "0"toggle the use of the default software OpenGL driver supplied by the Operating System < maddog
r_ambientScale "0.5"set the scale or intensity of ambient light
r_clear "0"toggle the clearing of the screen between framesC
r_colorbits "16"set number of bits used for each color from 0 to 32 bit
r_colorMipLevels "0""texture visualization tool" John Carmack
r_customaspect "1"toggle the use of custom screen resolution/sizes
r_customheight "1024"custom resolution (Height)
r_customwidth "1600"custom resolution (Width)
r_debuglight "0"possibly toggle debugging of lighting effects

r_debugSort "0"possibly toggle debugging of sorting of list like scoreboardC
r_debugSurface "0"possibly used for debugging the curve rendering and possibly for map debugging.C
r_debugSurfaceUpdate "1"possibly used for debugging the curve rendering and possibly for map debugging. 
r_depthbits "16"set number of bits used for color depth from 0 to 24 bit
r_detailtextures "1"toggle the use of detailed textures, when disabled every stage of a shader is rendered except those with the keyword "detail". when enabled detail stages are also rendered. in proper use the detail stages are supposed to enhance the texture's visual quality when viewed close up. more information is available in the shader manual included in the GTK Radiant install. - Rroff
r_directedScale "1"set scale/intensity of light shinning directly upon objects
r_displayRefresh "0"monitor refresh rate in game (will change desktop settings too in Windows 98 anyway)
r_dlightBacks "1""brighter areas are changed more by dlights than dark areas. I don't feel TOO bad about that, because its not like the dlight is much of a proper lighting simulation even in the best case..."John Carmack
r_drawBuffer "GL_BACK"set which frame buffer to draw into. basically you draw into a "back" buffer while simultaneously showing a "front" buffer. next frame you "swap" these. the benefit is that you won't "see" the actual painting of the image take place. - Questy/Carl

r_drawentities "1"toggle display of brush entitiesC
r_drawstrips "1"toggle triangle strips rendering method 
r_drawSun "1"set to zero if you do not want to render sunlight into the equation of lighting effects
r_drawworld "1"toggle rendering of map architecture
r_dynamiclight "0"toggle dynamic lighting (different "dynamic" method of rendering lights)
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array ""toggle hardware compiled vertex array rendering method default is 1
r_ext_compress_textures "1"toggle compression of textures
r_ext_compressed_textures "1"toggle compression of textures (1.27g changed to past tense compressed)
r_ext_gamma_control "1"enable external gamma control settings
r_ext_multitexture "1"toggle hardware mutitexturing if set to zero is a direct FPS benefit
r_ext_swapinterval "1"toggle hardware frame swapping
r_ext_texenv_add "1"possible duplicate cvar or an extension to the r_ext_texture_add variable
r_ext_texture_env_add "1"toggle additive blending in multitexturing. If not present, OpenGL limits you to multiplicative blending only, so additive will require an extra pass. - Questy/Carl
r_facePlaneCull "1"toggle culling of brush faces not in view (0 will slow FPS)
r_fastsky "1"toggle fast rendering of sky if set to 1 (0 is default and will slow FPS when outdoors 1 will disable your ability to see through portals)...Thanx hacker
r_finish "1"toggle synchronization of rendered frames (engine will wait for GL calls to finish)
r_fixtjunctions "1"toggle fixing of a problem with a certain type of vertex in models that can make gaps appear between polygons - Andre Lucas
r_flareFade "7"set scale of fading of flares in relation to distanceC
r_flares "0"toggle projectile flare and lighting effect. the flare effect is a translucent disk that is used to alter the colors around lights with a corona effect
r_flaresSize "40"set the size of flares? I wish you could make the big balls smaller now those are flaresC
r_fullbright "0"toggle textures to full brightness level (is set as a cheat code?) boy who turned on the lights�(c:
r_fullscreen "1"toggle full screen or play in a window
r_gamma "1"gamma correction
r_glDriver "opengl32"used "x" OpenGL driver (Standard OpenGL32 or 3dfxvgl)
r_ignore "0"possibly ignores hardware driver settings in favor of variable settingsC
r_ignoreFastPath "0"possibly to disable the looking outside of the PAK file first feature in case of duplicate file names etc.
r_ignoreGLErrors "1"ignores OpenGL errors that occur
r_ignorehwgamma "0"possibly to toggle the use of DirectX gamma correction or video driver gamma correction?
r_ignoreOffset "0"see r_offsetfactor this will just turn the offset off completelyA L
r_inGameVideo "1"toggle the display of in game animations on bigscreen map objects that display a camera view of the current game
r_intensity "1"increase brightness of texture colors (may be like gl_modulate?)
r_lastValidRenderer ""last known video driver (RIVA 128/RIVA 128 ZX (PCI))
r_lightmap "0"toggle entire map to full brightness level all textures become blurred with light (is set as a cheat code?)

r_lightningSegmentLength "32"possibly to set the distance between bends in the lightning bolt of the lightning gun�(c:
r_lockpvs "0"disable update to PVS table as player moves through map (new areas not rendered) - RandyC
r_lockview "0"possibly was intended to lock a certain Field Of View (FOV) is removed now 
r_lodbias "0"change the geometric level of detail (0 - 2)A
r_lodCurveError "250"another level of detail setting if set to 10000 "don't drop curve rows for a long time" John Carmack (really mean 3D cards only??)
r_lodscale "5"set scale for level of detail adjustmentC
r_logFile "0"possibly toggles logging of rendering errorsC
r_mapOverBrightBits "2"set intensity level of lights reflected from textures
r_maskMinidriver "0"treat the current OpenGL32 driver as an ICD, even if it is in fact a MCD Questy/Zoid
r_maxpolys "600"  
r_maxpolyverts "3000"  
r_measureOverdraw "0"overdraw' is when the same pixel is written to more than once when rendering a scene. I guess r_measureOverdraw is used to see how much is going on. used for software renderingC
r_mode "3"set video display mode (resolution), use listmodes for list of modes (3 is 640X480)
r_nobind "0"toggle the binding of textures to trianglesC
r_nocull "0"toggle rendering of hidden objects (1=slow performance)C
r_nocurves "0"map diagnostic command toggle the use of curved geometry
r_nolightcalc "0"disable lighting and shadow calculations�hmm 
r_noportals "0"toggle player view through portalsC
r_norefresh "0"toggle the refreshing of the rendered displayC
r_novis "0"the VIS tables hold information about which areas should be displayed from other areas.C
r_offsetfactor "-1"control the OpenGL Polygon Offset, If you see lines appearing in decals, or they seem to flick on and off, these variables may help out. - Questy/AndreC
r_offsetunits "-2"see r_offsetfactorC
r_overBrightBits "1"possibly similar to r_mapOverBrightBits (no visible effect on mine)
r_picmip "1"set maximum texture size (0 - 3, 3=fastest 0=quality)
r_portalOnly "0"when set to "1" turns off stencil buffering for portals, this allows you to see the entire portal before it's clipped, i.e. more of the room, to get a better feel for who's in there before you jump in.
r_preloadTextures "0"enable video processor to pre-cache textures
r_primitives "0"
set the rendering method. -1 = skips drawing 0 = uses glDrawElements if compiled vertex arrays are present, or strips of glArrayElement if not present 1 = forces strips 2 = forces drawElements 3 = path for non-vertex array testing "John Carmack"
r_printShaders "0"possibly toggle the printing on console of the number of shaders used?
r_railCoreWidth "16"set size of the rail trail's core
r_railSegmentLength "64"set distance between rail "sun bursts"
r_railWidth "128"set width of the rail trail
r_roundImagesDown "1"set rounding down amount (larger = faster, lower quality) - Randy
r_saveFontData "0"  
r_showcluster "0"toggle the display of clusters by number as the player enters them on the currently loaded map<maddogC
r_showImages "0"toggle displaying a collage of all image files when set to a one...texture use debugging tool

r_shownormals "0"toggle the drawing of short lines indicating brush and entity polygon vertices, useful when debugging model lighting - Andre Lucas < maddogC
r_showsky "0"enable rendering sky in front of other objectsC
r_showSmp "0"toggle display of multi processor (SMP) info on the HUD
r_showtris "0"map diagnostic command show triangles, pretty cool looking...C
r_simpleMipMaps "1"toggle the use of "simple" mip mapping. used to "dumb-down" resoluiton displays for slower machines - Questy
r_singleShader "0"possibly toggles use of 1 shader for objects that have multiple shaders
r_skipBackEnd "0"possibly to toggle the skipping of the backend video buffer
r_smp "0"toggle the use of multi processor acceleration code
r_speeds "0"show the rendering info e.g. how many triangles are drawn added r_speeds timing info to cinematic texture uploads "John Carmack"C
r_stencilbits "8"stencil buffer size (0, 8bit, and 16bit)
r_stereo "0"toggle the use of stereo separation for 3D glasses
r_subdivisions "4"set maximum level of detail. (an example would be the complexity of curves. 1=highest detail)
r_swapInterval "0"toggle frame swapping.
r_texturebits "0"set number of bits used for each texture from 0 to 32 bit
r_textureMode ""select texture mode. "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" (nearest or linear)
r_uiFullScreen "0"  
r_verbose "0"toggle display of rendering commands as they happen on the consoleC
r_vertexLight "1"enable vertex lighting (faster, lower quality than lightmap) removes lightmaps, forces every shader to only use a single rendering pass, no layered transparancy, environment mapping, world lighting is completely static, and there is no dynamic lighting when in vertex lighting mode. (recommend dynamiclight 0 and this 1) direct FPS benefit "John Carmack"
r_znear "4"set how close objects can be to the player before they're clipped out of the scene - Questy/Andre
rate ""modem speed/rate of data transfer "4500" (take a zero off the end of your connection speed?)
rcon_password ""set password for remote console control of the server removed cause dupe 
rconAddress ""variable holds IP address of the server for rcon 
rconPassword ""set password for remote console control of the server 
s_2dvolume "0.7"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variable 
s_bloat "2.0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_compression "1"toggle the use of sound compressionA
s_distance "100.0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_doppler "1.0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_fogeq "0.8"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variable 
s_geometry "1"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variable 
s_initsound "1"toggle weather sound is initialized or not (on next game) 
s_khz "11"set the sampling frequency of sounds lower=performance higher=quality
s_leafnum "0" 
s_loadas8bit "1"load sounds in 8bit mode
s_max_distance "1000.0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_min_distance "3.0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_mixahead "0.2"set delay before mixing sound samples.
s_mixPreStep "0.05"possibly to set the prefetching of sound on sound cards that have that power
s_musicvolume "1"music volume level 0=off
s_numpolys "400"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_occ_eq "0.75"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_occfactor "0.5"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_occlude "0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variable 
s_polykeep "1000000000" A
s_polyreflectsize "10000000" A
s_polysize "10000000" A
s_refdelay "2.0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_refgain "0.45"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_reflect "1"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variable 
s_rolloff "1.0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableA
s_separation "0.5"set separation between left and right sound channels (this one is it)
s_show "0"toggle display of paths and filenames of all sound files as they are played.C
s_testsound "0"toggle a test tone to test sound system. 0=disables,1=toggles.C
s_usingA3D "0"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variableR
s_volume "0.7"Sound FX Volume
s_watereq "0.2"vortex of sound - has a good description of this A3D variable 
scr_conspeed "3"set how fast the console goes up and down 
sensitivity "9"set how far your mouse moves in relation to travel on the mouse pad
server1 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server2 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server3 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server4 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server5 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server6 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server7 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server8 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server9 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server10 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server11 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server12 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server13 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server14 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server15 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
server16 ""holds IP/URL of a servers from the favorite servers list - Dr QubeA
session "2"possibly holds the value for the active session number when running multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine? 
session0 ""0 300 1 0 0 0"possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?) 
session1 "0 300 1 0 0 0"possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?) 
session2 "0 300 1 0 0 0"possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?) 
session3 "0 300 1 0 0 0"possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?) 
session4 "0 300 1 0 0 0"possibly to set up multiple addresses and sockets for multiple servers on one machine (can you say BFServer with multiple processors?) 
sex "male"set gender for model characteristics (sounds, obituary's etc.)U A
showdrop "0"toggle display of dropped packets. 0=disables,1=toggles. 
showpackets "0"toggle display of all packets sent and received. 0=disables,1=toggles. 
showtrace "0"toggle display of packet traces. 0=disables,1=toggles. 
snaps "20"set the number of snapshots sever will send to a client (server run at 40Hz, so use 40, 20, or 10) -Randy
snd "visor"select which model sounds your player uses (mix it up)
sv_allowAnonymous "0"possibly to toggle the allowing of anonymous clients to connect to your server
sv_allowdownload "1"toggle the ability for clients to download files maps etc. from server. . 
sv_cheats "1"enable cheating commands (give all) (serverside only)R
sv_floodProtect "1"toggle server flood protection to keep players from bringing the server downS A
sv_fps "20"set the max frames per second the server sends the client 
sv_hostname ""set the name of the server "Shadowlands"
sv_keywords ""variable holds the search string entered in the internet connection menu
sv_killserver "0"if set to a one the server goes down (server console only I hope) 
sv_mapChecksum ""allows check for client server map to match
sv_mapname ""display the name of the current map being used on a serverS R
sv_master1 ""set URL or address to master server "" 
sv_master2 ""optional master 2A
sv_master3 ""optional master 3A
sv_master4 ""optional master 4A
sv_master5 ""optional master 5A
sv_maxclients "8"maximum number of people allowed to join the server dedicated server memory optimizations. Tips: com_hunkMegs 4 sv_maxclients 3 bot_enable 0 "John Carmack"
sv_maxPing "0"set the maximum ping aloud on the server to keep HPB out
sv_maxRate ""option to force all clients to play with a max rate. This can be used to limit the advantage of LPB, or to cap bandwidth utilization for a server. Note that rate is ignored for clients that are on the same LAN. Father John stepping in, in the name of fairness�(c: (ever notice when 3 or so LPB's join a server your PING takes a dump? It's because your slice of the pie got smaller because theirs is so big�die bandwidth suckers)S A
sv_minPing "0"set the minimum ping aloud on the server to keep LPB outS A
sv_nopredict "0"is it possible that the server is handling some prediction of player location? 
sv_pad "0"  
sv_padPackets "0"possibly toggles the padding of network packets on the server PAD - Packet Assembler/Disassembler 
sv_pakNames "antilogic"variable holds a list of all the pk3 files the server found "antilogic"
sv_paks "182784856 "variable holds the checksum of all pk3 files
sv_paused "0"allow the game to be paused from the server console?
sv_privateClients "0"the number of spots, out of sv_maxclients, reserved for players with the server password (sv_privatePassword) - Holesinswiss
sv_privatePassword ""set password for private clients to login with 
sv_pure "1"disallow native DLL loading if sv_pure, requires clients to only get data from pk3 files the server is using "John Carmack" 
sv_reconnectlimit "3"number of times a disconnected client can come back and reconnect 
sv_referencedPakNames ""variable holds a list of all the pk3 files the server loaded data from. these pk3 files will be autodownloaded by a client if the client does not have them. "baseq3/pak2 baseq3/pak0"
sv_referencedPaks ""variable holds the checksum of the referenced pk3 files
sv_running "1"variable flag tells the console weather or not a local server is running
sv_serverid ""hmm�"8021204"
sv_showloss "0"toggle sever packet loss display 
sv_timeout "120"sets the amount of time for the server to wait for a client packet before assuming a disconnected state. 
sv_zombietime "2"the amount of time in minutes before a frozen character is removed from the map. 
sv_zone "default"this is the keyword that clients will search for, server admin's should set this variable to the gametype they have running. free for all, tournament, team deathmatch, and CTF I do not know if you can deviate from the keywords the way Zaphod laid them down in the whatsnew.txt
sys_cpuid "33"more snooping into your CPU 
sys_cpustring ""variable holds a string that identifies your processor 
team_headmodel ""set head of team_model to a head that will only be used during team game play
team_model ""set player model that will only be used during team game play
teamoverlay "0"toggle the drawing of the colored team overlay on the HUD
teamflags "0"set flags for team play (probably will be a hex value like deathmatch flags)
teamtask "0"variable holds the number of the team task you are currently asigned 1 - offense 2 - defense
3 - point/patroll 4 - following 5 - retrieving 6 - escort(gaurding flag carrier) 7 - camping
timedemo "0"when set to "1" times a demo and returns frames per second like a benchmarkC
timegraph "0"toggle the display of the timegraph. .C
timelimit "0"amount of time before new map loads or next match begins
timescale "1"set the ratio between game time and real time
ui_bigFont "0.4" 
ui_browserGameType "0"set server search game type in the browser list (see g_gametype)
ui_browserMaster "0"set server search 0=LAN 1=Mplayer 2=Internet 3=Favorites - WeeJoker
ui_browserShowEmpty "1"toggle the displaying of empty servers in the browser list
ui_browserShowFull "1"toggle the displaying of full servers in the browser list
ui_browserSortKey "4"set the field number to sort by in the browser list 0=Server Name 1=Map Name 2=Open Player Spots 3=Game Type 4=PingTime
ui_cdkeychecked "1"set to a 1 after the cdkey has been checked so won't ask againR
ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"set the menu default capture limit for single player bot matchesA
ui_ctf_friendly "0"toggle team mate damage in single player CTF bot matchesA
ui_ctf_timelimit "30"set the menu default CTF time limit for single player bot matchesA
ui_ffa_fraglimit "20"set the menu default frag limit for single player FFA bot matchesA
ui_ffa_timelimit "0"set the menu default time limit for single player FFA bot matchesA
ui_master "0"set server search 0=LAN 1=Mplayer 2=Internet 3=Favorites - WeeJoker
ui_singlePlayerActive "0"  
ui_smallFont "0.25" 
ui_spSelection "2"set the menu default gametype of single player? 16 = CTF 2 = FFA DMR
ui_team_fraglimit "0"set the menu default frag limit for single player team bot matchesA
ui_team_friendly "1"toggle default team mate damage in single player team bot matchesA
ui_team_timelimit "20"set the menu default time limit for single player team bot matchesA
ui_tourney_fraglimit "0"set the menu default frag limit for single player tourney bot matchesA
ui_tourney_timelimit "15"sets the menu default time limit for single player tourney bot matchesA
username "vern"variable holds your network login id from %username% env variable�hmmm? id hackers! 
version ""Q3 1.30 win-x86 Aug 20 2001
versionNumber """Q3T 1.08"
vid_xpos "30"x position when windowed
vid_ypos "30"y position when windowed
viewlog "0"toggle the display of the startup console window over the game screen
viewsize "100"changes view port size 0 - 100 (you probably wouldn't want less than 100)
vm_cgame "0"part of the virtual machine interpreter which allows PC MOD makers to not have to know MAC code and MAC MOD makers to not have to know PC
vm_game "0"toggle the virtual machine interpreter, cgame can switch between being loaded as a binary .dll or an interpreted .qvm at the change of this cvar
vm_ui "0"part of the virtual machine interpreter which allows PC MOD makers to not have to know MAC code and MAC MOD makers to not have to know PC
win_hinstance ""address of the handle instance of quake3 under windows - LOKi
win_wndproc ""hmm..."4368704"
zoomfov "22.5"what the zoomed in field of view will be any thing more than 30 would not be sniper friendly
 Red FontRemoved or replaced in current version
I - init
 Green FontAdded by current version
L - latched Thanks LOKi
C - cheat
U - user (player)
A - archive
S - server
R - read only